phone number 061297595436
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We publish opinions and comments of users on the phone number +6161297595436. This will tell you who called you from this number and you can avoid taking a call from an unwanted phone number. Below you will find the latest information.
Rating for 061297595436
Majority opinion: Confusing (5)
Number of reviews: 18 more ▹
Number of comments: 1 more ▹
City: - Australia
Your rating to the phone number: +6161297595436
Are older than one monthN.fletch reported the number 061297595436 as Unknown
We subsequently did some research online and located additional information such as what suburb he resides, it was public information so we just kept it as a precaution. Should anyone receive a call from this person, do not provide any personal information. We now believe he may be using personal information for untoward purposes. Our caller id system recorded his number as being: which we have established is an Optus number linked to the same name he provided our switch board (Rob or a Robert Radviani). After further discussions with our staff we were also able to establish that he had called several prior times and spoken to other staff rostered on previous weeks and pin pointed these dates and went back to our server and found he had called 4 other times from 4 different numbers; 02 , 02 , 02 , 02 . On every occasion he was abrupt, disrespectful, and unclear as to what he was calling about. More of an FYI please note these details as required. Thankyou Jason.
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of other unknown telephone numbers
Possible spellings for the number: 061297595436
- (0061) 06 12 97 59 54 36
- (+61)061297595436
- (+61)06 12 97 59 54 36
- (+61)061 297 595 436
- (0061) 061 297 595 436
- (0061) 061297595436
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